Ebook It Starts with the Egg How the Science of Egg Quality Can Help You Get Pregnant Naturally Prevent Miscarriage and Improve Your Odds in IVF Audible Audio Edition Rebecca Fett Melinda Wade Franklin Fox Publishing Books

By Calvin Pennington on Sunday, May 19, 2019

Ebook It Starts with the Egg How the Science of Egg Quality Can Help You Get Pregnant Naturally Prevent Miscarriage and Improve Your Odds in IVF Audible Audio Edition Rebecca Fett Melinda Wade Franklin Fox Publishing Books

Product details

  • Audible Audiobook
  • Listening Length 6 hours and 28 minutes
  • Program Type Audiobook
  • Version Unabridged
  • Publisher Franklin Fox Publishing
  • Audible.com Release Date March 15, 2019
  • Language English, English
  • ASIN B07PT397Z7

It Starts with the Egg How the Science of Egg Quality Can Help You Get Pregnant Naturally Prevent Miscarriage and Improve Your Odds in IVF Audible Audio Edition Rebecca Fett Melinda Wade Franklin Fox Publishing Books Reviews

  • After two miscarriages, 4 failed fertility treatment cycles and being told by three separate fertility specialists that my husband and I had less than 5% chance of conceiving and carrying to term, we decided it was time to take a more proactive and informed approach to our infertility. Our search for solid information lead in many directions, including to this book. We bought it, devoured it, put as many of its suggestions into practice in our lives as we possibly could, and gave the program 4 months to work its magic while taking a break from fertility treatment. From it we learned that though women with high FSH like myself are often told its because we have "diminished ovarian reserve" and "poor egg quality", the science of egg development and quality is a lot more complicated and there are ways you can intervene to encourage the eggs you do have remaining to be the best they can be. I'm science minded enough to know that I can't draw any firm conclusions about whether the ideas in this book made the difference for us or we just got lucky, but after those four months we started trying to conceive again, did so right away, and I gave birth to our beautiful, healthy, miracle baby girl just a few days ago. My advice is, don't let doctors dictate what is or isn't possible based on their own repertoire of (limited) treatment options they make available to their patients. If you've struggled with infertility, and you're determined to not go down without a fight like me after the doctors have told you you're a lost cause and to start considering egg donors or adoption, this book simply MUST be one of the items in your arsenal of alternative approaches.
  • This book is everything! I would highly recommend reading this as a first step to anyone having trouble conceiving or having recurrent miscarriages. I had recurrent miscarriages and terrible fertility scores- an fsh of 14 and an AMH <1. My fertility doctors gave me about a 4-8% chance of an IUI helping me conceive. But i wanted to try it. So i did everything possible to improve my odds. I did acupuncture along with taking ubiquinol, melatonin, and DHEA as suggested in the book. 14 weeks after i added in the DHEA i got pregnant during my second IUI. I believe everything I did made all the difference. I do want to mention that i wish the author hadn't downplayed the importance of cutting out caffeine. Even a small amount of caffeine per day leading up to pregnancy may increase miscarriage risk- they don't have enough evidence disproving that. For me I think cutting it out completely was a vital (though difficult) step. I cut down on sugar but i didn't completely eliminate it like i did the caffeine and alcohol. Regardless- this book is so needed in a world where doctors often don't provide us with important information to improve our health. It makes sense that optimizing the body's health will help with fertility too. Read this book and do acupuncture regularly for at least 3 months before you try to conceive. I did acupuncture 2-3 times a week during the cycle that got my pregnant. My doctor was suprised i could get 3 follicles at my age and with my fertility numbers. But it's totally absolutely possible - you just need to give your body a chance to respond to the changes you make! This book is a must have whether you try naturally or with assistance.
  • After being diagnosed unexplained infertility and multiple failed treatments, I lost all the faith on medical help and myself after 3 years of trying. Running out of budget, we cannot afford another fertility treatment in a near future. So I turned my hope to diet and supplememt. This book is enlightening. I started taking ubiquonol, vitamin d and inositol. In addition, i cut off all the refined carb, candy and processed food. Eating nothing but nutritious lean meat, nuts and veggies. 4 cycles after I implement the plan instructed by the book, I first time ever saw a double line on my testing strip! This book is a life changer, telling the truth no fertility doctor will discuss with you.
  • After 5 years of trying to conceive, 3 miscarriages,failed ivf, countless other fertility treatments; I bought this book. I took the suggested supplements and I conceived within a couple months. My son was born May 2016. We decided to have another baby and I had a miscarriage. We were not successful until I began taking the supplments mentioned in this book. I went on the supplements and became pregnant within a couple of months. My daughter was born in November 2018. Without this book I know I wouldn't have my babies.
  • This book contains good advice for anyone who would like to live a healthy lifestyle and reduce their exposure to toxins. I also think it is a good book for anyone who has struggled with infertility because all her suggestions can't hurt and it seems like they have helped other women. But unfortunately for me, following her plan did not change my IVF outcome. I did much of what she suggests -- reduced exposure to BPA and phthalates, followed the supplement suggestions, and reduced (though did not eliminate) refined carbs in my diet. I did this for 3-4 months between IVF cycles. In my subsequent cycle, I did have more eggs retrieved (so perhaps quantity improved) but the quality was still poor. I don't regret trying because again, her suggestions are probably good suggestions for anyone, but I did not see the impact.
  • I appreciated this book because it explained reproduction and reproductive problems backed up by science, and talked about things my doctors weren't telling me. My doctors didn't recommend any of the tips in this book, but they didn't stop me from trying any of it, either. I implemented some of the strategies prior to IVF and did not get pregnant, nor did I get pregnant via IVF later, but I did produce 14 high-quality mature eggs during my IVF cycle, and perhaps some of that can be attributable to the supplements I took and the toxins I cut out as a result of reading this book. One word of caution as someone with unexplained infertility, I already felt that everything I was doing/eating/putting on my body was causing my infertility, and this book only made me MORE paranoid.